Barre Congregational Church

Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey,
you are welcome here!
Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey,
you are welcome here!
Barre Congregational is an Open and Affirming church. Whoever you are and wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!
Easter Sunday Worship
9:30 AM
You can join us in person or by ZOOM.
If you would like to join us by ZOOM, the meeting ID is
865 5966 3321 and the Passcode is 05641.
Here is a link to the worship bulletin.
The Laundry Love initiative provides ongoing support to individuals and families facing financial hardship by assisting with their laundry needs. At The Barre Congregational Church, our dedicated volunteers gather once a week at two different laundromats in Central Vermont to offer assistance.
Whether it’s helping cover the cost of machines, assisting with washing and folding, or simply lending an extra set of hands, our volunteers are there to provide kindness, dignity, and practical support to those who need it.
Please refer to the schedule posted to find out when and where we will be each week.
Through the generosity of local businesses and community fundraising efforts, we are able to provide this much-needed assistance. If you would like to contribute, please use the donation button below. Your support helps us continue making a meaningful difference.
Barre Congregational Church
35 Church Street, Barre, VT 05641, US